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The Wexford Excellence Through Equity
Principles for Instructional Design
To create an environment in which all students thrive and achieve excellence in their learning and caring for each other, Wexford has identified seven principles for instructional design. Listed below are descriptions of each principle.

Please click on the title of each principle to view a PDF document containing that principle's explanation and background information.

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( http://wexford.org/wexford_files/equity.html )
1. Clear and High Expectations for All Learners
( http://wexford.org/wexford_files/Principle1.pdf )
Successful learning focuses on important concepts that are aligned with standards, learning goals, assessment and rigorous content. Students and their families are involved in setting clear expectations for each learner.
2. Learning in a Social Context
( http://wexford.org/wexford_files/Principle2.pdf )
Classroom values, norms, student–teacher and student–student interactions create an environment that supports all learners. This learning environment provides all students with opportunities to successfully demonstrate their learning, to see themselves and be seen by others as effective learners. Differences in power relationships, culture, language, gender, physical and learning are addressed.
3. Inclusion: Connecting with Each Student
( http://wexford.org/wexford_files/Principle3.pdf )
Lessons or units of instruction address standards and learning goals, as well as meet the unique learning strengths, needs and styles of each student. By accommodating the diverse languages, cultural backgrounds, gender differences, learning styles and exceptionalities, each student’s potential for learning is maximized. Teachers examine and exercise flexibility as they analyze student data and student work, and take on the roles of mentor, facilitator, and manager of learning strategies.

4. Developing Language in Context
( http://wexford.org/wexford_files/Principle4.pdf )
Learners acquire language best through learning experiences that are meaningful to them. Lessons or units of instruction reflect the variety of language levels of the students, utilize the students’ own language, utilize informal and formal English, as appropriate, and include intentional academic language development through oral language, reading and writing.

5. Making the Invisible Visible & Fostering ( http://wexford.org/wexford_files/Principle5.pdf )
Multiple Perspectives

Learning opportunities include accurate representations of peoples and cultures who have been omitted from the school curriculum and technological resources or who have been misrepresented by social prejudice and stereotypes. Learning strategies that foster imagination and encourage the exploration of different points of view and challenge assumptions with approaches such as inquiry, problem based and conflict resolution, provide opportunities to better understand the perspectives of others. These approaches lead to a myriad of different, often unexpected, outcomes and solutions.

6. Critical Teaching and Learning
( http://wexford.org/wexford_files/Principle6.pdf )
Learning activities help students develop respect for diversity and fairness, and promote taking action that demonstrates these qualities. Core aspects of this principle include critical thinking, active listening and democratic action. By relating these elements to issues of privilege, power and inequity, learners respond to and pose problems that lead to participatory and democratic action.

7. Validating Achievement through Assessment
( http://wexford.org/wexford_files/Principle7.pdf )
Learners are engaged and motivated by using day–to–day classroom assessments that are embedded in curriculum. Students are involved in reviewing and assessing their work, and both teacher and students use these assessment results to improve instruction and learning by establishing clear, concise learning targets. Open-ended responses from students provide teachers with insight into the multiple ways that students grasp new learning as well as how students’ cultural preferences play a role in their understanding. In addition, norm referenced testing provides students, their families and the school a way to assess student progress based on a standard measure.

TrackStar Tracks that Address the Equity Principles
Examples of Tracks with Evidence of Single Equity Principles
( http://wexford.org/wexford_files/TrackStar.pdf )

Examples of Tracks with Evidence of Multiple Equity Principles
( http://wexford.org/wexford_files/TrackStar.pdf )
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